Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racism And Social Darwinism New Imperialism - 2204 Words

During the 1880’s, an idea known as â€Å"new imperialism† caused most of Europe to enter a period of colonial expansion that placed parts of both Africa and Asia under European control. Before 1880, Europe had little influence in Africa. They had relations with the governments and nations that were present, trading slaves and goods between continents. However, in a period known as the â€Å"Scramble for Africa†, Africa was divvied up among the giants: Great Britain took South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya; France, North and West Africa; and Germany, East and Southwest Africa. Three main factors motivated this new imperialism. The first was a combination of racism and Social Darwinism -- the latter being the belief that, in the struggle between nations, only the strong will prevail. The second stemmed from religion, and was known as â€Å"The White Man’s Burden†-- the idea that Europeans were obligated to bring technology and order to lands that until then had not tasted the amenities of their so-called â€Å"civilization†. The third was economics, for the untapped stores of Africa would bring the nation who could take advantage of them great wealth. Were one to say, â€Å"Late 19th century European imperialism was primarily an economic undertaking†, then they would be partially correct; all these factors influenced the actions of the European nations uniquely. Late 19th century European imperialism was primarily an economic undertaking to a near-full extent because, although supporters of White Man’sShow MoreRelatedCharles Darwin, The Most Influential Nineteenth Century Evolutionary Thinker1176 Words   |  5 Pagesaffairs and saw the human race as driven by an un-ending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest defines Social Darwinism (McKay 745). As European and American upper class sought to extend political and economic power, Social Darwinism proved to justify actions or polic ies in political, social, and economic strata. Capitalism, imperialism, and racism are different ideologies that grew strong and lingered in history using Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by means of naturalRead More â€Å"White Man’s Burden† Essay905 Words   |  4 PagesEuropean man’s view on imperialism, Euro-centrism and social Darwinism. 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