Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Harmful Side Effects of Cancer Treatments - 917 Words

Cancer treatments helpful or harmful When a person gets a diagnosis of cancer their first thought is of dying. The second is the extreme debilitating treatments they must endure to hopefully extend their lives. When they are faced with this decision they know it is a battle between two evils. My mother-in-law is battling thyroid and breast cancer, and having endured two surgeries says the treatments are the worst part of the battle. â€Å"So while oncology physicians may tout cancer treatments as the only hope for recovery, there is a possibility that these treatments do more harm than good.† There are several treatment options in the fight against cancer (surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplant and bone marrow and cord blood transplants etc.) The two most commonly used treatments are chemotherapy that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells, and radiation therapy that uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA. Aside from killing cancer cells treatment’s cause many more problems for the patient, including treatment induced diseases and death. Cancer treatments can cause physical, emotional and financial problems for the patient. â€Å"In a telephone interview study done and posted in the Journal of clinical oncology (Mazor KM,; 2012) (p.1784-90) 416 patients were interviewed out of those ninety-three believed something had gone wrong in their care. Things that they believe were preventable and caused or could haveShow MoreRelatedCauses And Risk Of Breast Cancer1026 Words   |  5 PagesCauses risk of breast cancer Breast cancer is a disorder that mostly happens to women, as for men it is very rare. BRCA1 and BRCA2 work as DNA but when they are not replaced correctly it can lead to cancer. When BRCA1 and BRCA2 is mutated, or altered , such that its protein produced either is not made or doesn’t function correctly, DNA damage might no be repaired properly. When you have breast cancer you can also be at risk of lots of other cancers. The process of BRCA1 and BRCA2 usually happensRead MoreCancer Is The Second Largest Cause Death Of The United States Of America1562 Words   |  7 PagesCancer is the second largest cause of death in the United States of America, overall, according to the CDC, clocking in at around 575,691 lives in 2013 alone. Countless people have been affected or know someone who has been affected by cancer, and the search for a cure has been raging on for decades. Renal cancers, or cancer of the kidneys, the two bean shaped organs located to the right and left adjacent to a person’s spine, is the fifth most common form of cancer within the United States, affectingRead MoreA Better Safer Alternative Treatment1378 Words   |  6 PagesThe word cancer strikes fear into the hearts of many people and their loved ones. 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For us, the long-term side effects that are unknown for somet hing that cant kill him are a lot better than the long-term side effects of him beating himself bloody, his dad said (MosbergenRead MoreResearch Techniques For Better Engineer Medicines Essay1741 Words   |  7 Pagesmedicine more personalized and tailoring them to a patient’s body chemistry can greatly reduce the risk of side effects and can make treatment more efficient. This can be done by using information about the patient’s genetic makeup and where the disease is localized in order to target the infected cells specifically. We have decided to narrow down our research on cancer, specifically leukemia. Cancer can result from any number of genetic mutations and these malfunctions can lead to an unmanageable division

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay about The Declaration Then And Now - 1348 Words

The Declaration Then and Now nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The year was sixteen hundred and eighty-nine and a man by the name of John Locke wrote Second Treatise on Government (Zinn 73). In it, Locke wrote that in a natural state everyone, all people, are born free and equal, and possess certain rights. He said that these â€Å"natural rights† were life, liberty, and property. He also said that the evildoers who conspired to deprive others of their life, liberty, or property ruined the good life of the state of nature (Locke). The only way to protect these rights is by joining together to form governments. The power of government, then, stems from the consent of the governed, which entrust the government with responsibility for protecting†¦show more content†¦They were now a free country. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Two hundred and twenty-five years ago, Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. The words he wrote were, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (Jefferson 685). â€Å"†¦created equal†¦,† those are very powerful words. Equality, meaning being the same, on the same level, no one higher or lower than the other, but can we honestly say that racism is no longer prevalent in our country? Of course not, the recent incidents, such as Rodney King, James Byrd, Abner Louima, and Amadou Diallo, proves that. In an article entitled, â€Å"Racism Down But Not Out in the US Government Study Finds†, published on September 22, 2000, Assistant Secretary of State, Harold Koh reported to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, â€Å"Americ a’s struggle to secure racial equality remains incomplete. The residual effects of slavery and institutionalized racism can still be seen in the lingering disparity between blacks and whites in income, levels of education, and health care and rates of incarceration in our nation’s prisons†. Koh too, mentioned the recent incidents that have happened saying that, â€Å"we have not yet met the challenge of creating a color-blind society† (Husain 1). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It is not just African AmericansShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence : What Shaped And Provided The Freedom The United States Of America1030 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract The declaration of Independence is what shaped and provided the freedom the United States of America has today. The Declaration of Independence today is looked at a symbol for America to reflect on as it paved the way for most of the rights we have today. 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It was originally composed by Thomas Jefferson and later updated by the Congress.The declaration explains the reasons for thirteen states to seek republicanism and be independentRead MoreDeclaration Of Independence Essay examples504 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A democracy is a system of government controlled by the people, not by one certain group or individual. In the Declaration of Independence it states that â€Å"all men are created equal,† an idea which leads to the concept that all citizens should have the same rights, responsibilities, and influence in the governing of their country. In writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was trying to break his ties with the harsh and non-de mocratic rule of the British and begin a

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Global Business Marketing and Policy

Question: Discuss about the Global Business Marketing and Policy. Answer: Introduction: Brazil is a fast rising economy in the South America with a population greater than one million, and currently, it's the fifth largest country in popularity after China, India, United States, and Indonesia. Additionally, the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is great considering its consumer's Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), thus, making it the seventh largest economy globally (Chequer, 2012). Significantly, the nation is rich in biological and agricultural diversity with a possibility in mining and energy sector. Relatively, Brazil boasts of a well-developed infrastructure, a broad business base that consists of textile, shoes, cement, pulp, and computer industries and a distinct marketing structure that makes it one of the most preferred countries for direct investment (Alves, F. (2013). Conversantly, Pinatex is a sustainable and none-woven textile product developed through processing of pineapple leave fiber, and its origin is in Philippine. Moreover, it's a biodegradable material considering that natural substance is used in its production, thus, making it non-pollutant to the environment. The merchandise is of high quality and can be used to make a range of commodities such as shoes, handbags, laptop cases, and watch bands (ananas anam, 2017). Therefore the report gives an analysis of possible environmental variables that might impact the marketing of the product in Brazil. Pinatex was first developed in Philippine through processing of pineapple wastes, thus, no additional land, fertilizers or pesticides required in its production. Additionally, the product is environmentally friendly with an International Standard Organizations (ISO) acceptance, hence, suitable for use by the majority of world's consumer. Notably, it provides a broad range of commodities that targets various clients such as shoes, handbags, jackets, watch bands, and laptop cases (ananas anam, 2017). Significantly, Brazil provides a better marketing destination for the product considering its fast rising economy compared to other countries in South America. Also, the majority of population are below age fifty-five with a higher purchasing power for various products, hence, an opportunity for developing a relationship with consumers (Chequer, 2012). Moreover, the country's online utility has risen providing a proper internet marketing of the merchandise through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Conversantly, the nation's reduction in the populace of persons living in poverty and increasing the middle-class populace by various government projects has helped in raising the state's purchasing power. Besides, it has a diverse cultural and social life that majorly consists of Portuguese, Italian, German, Japanese, and African immigrants. Development of infrastructure and democratic government facilitates a conducive environment for investments by different companies (Chequer, 2012). Environmental Analysis of Pinatex Export to Brazil History indicates that for a country to succeed in economic growth, the state department has to be involved in creating markets for the nation's products, nurturing businesses, promoting technological advancement, and developing infrastructure through the removal of trade barriers that hinders growth (Salazar, Nbler, Kozul, 2014). Furthermore, the Nation's constitution facilitates for international development as long as the investment confers to States priority of economic growth through agriculture, technology, and the creation of products that currently are imported. As such, political stability and bestowment of some political powers to the federal government enable foreign investment and enhancement of country's economic progression. Significantly, foreign investment is permitted in large market sectors but face legal control by the States Central Bank, thus, confining transactions to foreign exchange regulations. Additionally, overseas companies are required to create either a branch or use a local industry to enhance its business since authorization for a subsidiary industry requires presidential assent (Chequer, 2012). Therefore, numerous international enterprises incorporate subordinate or affiliated firms to market their products as the formation of an outlet entails adverse tax effects and various charges. However, to enhance living standards in the region, the government offers assistance to investors that need financial and advisory services (Hermann, Gentil, 2016). Notably, the inflation rate is controlled by the Central Bank that checks on interest rates periodically, hence, enhancing the purchasing power of consumers. The current concern for environmental protection and increased awareness of global warming and pollutions by the majority of customers has affected the way most businesses operates. This has led to use of environmentally friendly production procedures that are licensed by green labels for firms that export their merchandise to Brazil (Jabbour, Santos, Fonsec, Nagano, 2013). Additionally, the Republic is known for its complicated and strict imposition of environmental laws that protect, conserve, and enhance sustainable utilization of its nature since its economic growth depends on agriculture. Therefore, enactment of The Environmental Control and Inspection Tax (TCFA) aids in preventing pollution that is propelled by industries by levying charges on potential polluting activities (Jabbour, Santos, Fonsec, Nagano, 2013). Additionally, firms operations are subject to environmental permitting through indication of forms of production and protection plans to environmental degradation. However, Pinatex is an environmental friendly commodity as its creation entails the use of biodegradable materials that consist of pineapple leaves, and also it involves an ISO certification. Therefore, the product meets the standard requirement of environmental policies enacted by the Brazilian authority that enhance better chances of its promotion and adoption by customers. Brazilian population growth rate and investment are increasing tremendously with majority of the populace being less than sixty years of age. Additionally, it comprises of different ethnic backgrounds such as Portuguese, Germans, Chinese, Indians, and African Americans creating a broad consumer base for products (Chequer, 2012). Notably, most of the citizens live in the urban areas that mainly consists of diverse personalities, and majorly they are the largest consumers of industrial commodities. Conversantly, social gap between the wealthy and poor in community is minimal as most of the governments project aids in uplifting the unfortunate (Martins et al., 2015). Moreover, Portuguese is the official language used in the Republic, hence, boosts product penetration in the market since majority share a common dialect. Also, Roman Catholicism is the most practiced religion though there is an exercise of one's freedom of worship. Relatively, the education standards of the inhabitants are moderately high with the majority of youths making it to higher levels of learning and 80% of the adult individuals considered to be learned (Alves, 2013). Technological Issues Advancement in technology has affected ways in which businesses operates by enhancing competition within various industries. Additionally, inventions have led to reduced production costs and profit maximization by many companies that incorporates the techniques. However, the development of Internet technology has revolutionized marketing strategy for most firms since many consumers currently have smartphones that can access the internet (Karodia, Soni, David, 2014). In Brazil, most of its population browse on various social networks spending at least three hours of their time. Therefore, this makes it a logical passer way into the world scene unlike other countries such as China that restricts use of social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (Souza, 2015). Hence, the incorporation of strategic and efficient online marketing of pinatex shall enhance quick and easy adoption of the merchandise by online users. Significantly, use of promoting Media such as televisions, radio, and print media will enable spread of the product to rural areas of the country (Goodrich Mooij, 2014). The Brazilian economy has been on a steady rise over the past decades regarding GDP. The growth has led to increased number of middle-class populations while reducing the rate of poverty and inequality in the country. The noticeable positive changes link to rising income level and employment as well as growth in states social spending and activities (Weisbrot, Johnston, Lefebvre, 2014). Significantly, the country has reduced its trade barriers on both export and import of products, hence, encourage the importation of substitute commodities when local industries hike their prices or during shortages for local goods (Alves, 2013). Notably, the majority of Brazilian residents consists of skilled and semi-skilled individuals that eventually provides sufficient labor force. Moreover, the locals embrace international industries that promote employment and compete on a transparent footage with the domestic firms. Also, the Nation's dependence on farming for most of its industries acts as an advantage to the product's marketing since its development is through agricultural goods (Weisbrot, Johnston, Lefebvre, 2014). Conversantly, the States participation in various trade blocs like World Trade Organization facilitates enterprise operations in the country since there is coordination of the macroeconomic policies (Ferraz, Kupfer, Marques, 2014). Industrial Competition The rate of competition in the textile industry is high with majority being both local and international firms, hence, tends to control product prices. This is due to high production of raw materials and suitable business environment in the country since the primary economic driver is agriculture (Birnleitner, Student, 2013). Therefore, to enhance success of Pinatex in the market, product differentiation, and strategic marketing analysis are to be embraced such as branding and integration of small distribution channels (Souza, 2015). Conclusion Government policies and regulations that confine to increasing the living standards of its inhabitants enhances the ease of investing in Brazil. Additionally, the country's economic rise through increased GDP that is facilitates increased purchasing power of its citizen's makes the nation a suitable spot for trade. Moreover, complex and strict environmental laws in the State deters other companies from investing in the Republic since most of the commodities are required to be environmentally friendly. Significantly, adoption of social networks by residents enables smooth marketing over the internet, hence, making Brazil prone to foreign investments. Therefore, export of Pinatex to Brazil is viable since it's environmentally friendly, thus, will be embraced both by the people and government in a bid to promote green technology. References Alves, F. (2013). Doing Business and Investing in Brazil (1st ed., pp. 11-66). Brasilia: pwc. Retrieved from Birnleitner, H., Student, D. (2013). Influence of Macro-Environmental Factors to the Process of Integrating a Foreign Business Entity. InMIC 2013: Industry, Science and Policy Makers for Sustainable Future; Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, Koper, 2123 November 2013 [Selected Papers](pp. 387-400). University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper. Chequer, T. (2012). Guide to Doing Business in Brazil (1st ed., pp. 3-30). Mayer Brown LLP. Retrieved from de Souza Almeida, L. M. (2015). Targeting Brazilian Market through Digital Branding Strategies: The Relevance of the Cultural Dimension. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(01), 30. Ferraz, J. C., Kupfer, D., Marques, F. S. (2014). Industrial policy as an effective development tool: Lessons from Brazil.TRANSFORMING ECONOMIES, 291. Goodrich, K., De Mooij, M. (2014). How socialare social media? A cross-cultural comparison of online and offline purchase decision influences.Journal of Marketing Communications,20(1-2), 103-116. Introducing Piatex - ananas anam. (2017). ananas anam. Retrieved 16 April 2017, from Jabbour, C. J. C., Santos, F. C. A., Fonseca, S. A., Nagano, M. S. (2013). Green teams: understanding their roles in the environmental management of companies located in Brazil.Journal of Cleaner Production,46, 58-66. Karodia, A. M., Soni, D., David, J. E. (2014). International competitiveness, globalization and technology for developing countries: some reflections from previous research. Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies, 2(9), 25-34. Martins, G. D. F., Gonalves, T. R., Marin, A. H., Piccinini, C. A., Sperb, T. M., Tudge, J. (2015). Social class, workplace experience, and child-rearing values of mothers and fathers in southern Brazil.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,46(8), 996-1009. Salazar-Xirinachs, J. M., Nbler, I., Kozul-Wright, R. (2014). Transforming economies: Making industrial policy work for growth, jobs and development. International Labour Office. Weisbrot, M., Johnston, J., Lefebvre, S. (2014). The Brazilian economy in transition: Macroeconomic policy, labor and inequality. Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Essay Example

Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance Paper Thomas Hardy professed himself disillusioned with the idealised traditional Victorian denouement or regulation finish, which he described as indescribably unreal and meretricious. His distaste for such unrealistically happy endings is obvious in Tess fate, which he retained despite the fact that he received letters from readers imploring him not to let her die. Her death was the natural and, in one way, the more satisfying ending. It is therefore somewhat jarring to find in the work of one who was so vehement in his wish that Tess should be Faithfully Presented to find irregularities in the flow of events which impede the smooth consistency of the plot and characters. Most strikingly, throughout the book are incidents of the failure of characters to perform the right action or make the right decision, in a situation in which it may have greatly reduced their suffering and resulted in a naturally happy ending. For example, after Tess confession and Angels rejection of her, Hardy repeatedly refers to the fact that if she had been a woman of the world [she] might have conquered him by exploiting the back current of sympathy which remained in Angel (Ch XXXVI); If [she] had been artful he would not have withstood her (Ch XXXVII). However, she does not see this she accepts his rejection. If Tess had suggested that no one could know or care about her misfortunes or reproach the couple for them, Angel would have had to admit the thought arose in [his] own mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tess of the DUrbervilles the role of Chance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer From Angels departure to his return, Tess manages to retain her devotion to him despite his treatment of her, the hardships she endures in his absence, his lack of communication and the torment of Alec DUrbervilles pursuit. She shows an incredible persistence and largeness of spirit in resisting the temptation to surrender her hopes of her husband recalling her. But eventually, driven by concern for her family, a desire to be their Providence, she crumbles just days before Angel finds her. The coincidence of times and the tragedy of the narrowness of the interval is unrealistic and even cliche. Existing merely to heighten the suspence and tragedy. Many of the unreasonable jumps and coincidences in Tess serve to hurt the heroine and emphasise her position as a victim both of society and a cruel fate. This may be a deliberate device on the part of the author, who was an admirer of Tess, to invite the sympathy of contemporary readers who may have been disturbed by her sexual encounter with Alec early in the novel, and who needed reassuring that Tess was in fact A Pure Woman, and the victim of unfortunate events rather than their instigator. Tess purity, so emphasised, and her automatic tendency to find sweet pleasure somewhere even after the hardest setbacks may also seem implausible, but Tess is a complex personality characterised by duality her split nature being seen in her division between peasantry and middle class, her illustrious name and low origins, her two dialects and the mysterious maiden/harlot contradiction on the edge of her nature. Tess has enough spirit to defend herself against the Queen of Spades and determinedly take her leave of Alec, and even when she submits to Angel Clares judgement she attempts to defend herself a little. Tess stands as a symbol of the split between to two worlds of traditional agriculture and progressive industry and also between those of traditional rural culture and the more refined and educated class. Hardys main implausibilities lie way in which the fate which the President of the Immortals has in store for her seems inevitable when viewed with hindsight and is facilitated by so many acts of Chance. Chance governs Tess fate. In the first chapter, Parson Tringham describes how his researches into the DUrberville/Darbeyfield link had been instigated by a casual sighting of the higglers cart and been led to make inquiries. Without this fairly vital chanced happening, unless the parson had been inspired some other way, it is doubtful that any of the events that followed would have occurred. The Durbeyfields discovery of the illustrious link gives them the idea of contacting the Stoke-DUrbervilles and it is hinted marry some noble gentleman. Although she at first refuses to countenance this, such thoughts lead Tess to drift off and neglect the cart which should have been driven by her father, but for the fact that he was rendered incapable by the ale he had consumed in celebration of his newfound aristocracy. By Chance, the lantern also goes out as a mail-cart is speeding down the road, causing the death of Prince. The fact that she regarded herself in the light of a murderess (Ch V) over the horses death and the familys loss of income is the only reason Tess acquiesces to be sent to visit Mrs DUrberville at the Chase, the site of her ruin. It is clear then that Chance played the major role in conducting Tess to the Chase. But later, Chance was also the pivotal player in the collapse of her marriage to Angel particularly, the fact that she could not tell him her trouble before the marriage. He even supposes that if only she had told him them he would still have loved and married her. However, despite her efforts, Chance prevented her from confessing her secret during their days at Talbothays. When she tried to tell him outright, he inadvertently made it very difficult for her. When she wrote him a letter containing the story, by an extraordinarily unfortunate circumstance, it slipped under the carpet and he did not see it. When Tess has finally used her allowance from Angel, while working at Flintcombe Ash, she travels to Emminster, intending to ask the Clares for help something that requires great courage of she who is proud and does not want to beg, as well as ashamed to admit the seperation between she and Clare. By Chance, the family is with the congregation when she arrives, and she is forced to the way she came and lurk in the bushes where it chances that she overhears to conversation between the Clare brothers and Mercy, which completely destroys her confidence and prevents her from returning to the Clares house. She is left in a very financially frightening position. Finally, it is all due to Chance that she happens upon the preaching of none other than Alec DUrberville, so many years after she departed Trantridge. It is also a coincidence that he has been converted by Angels father, and has fallen in with the sign-painter with whom Tess travelled. This chance meeting rekindles his lust for her, and is the direct cause of the renewed pursuit. Although she resists him for a long time, with the death of her father and the eviction of the family she finally feels it is her duty to support them by surrendering to Alec. The tragic coincidence of Angels arrival so soon after she has given up hope causes her to become bitter, even driving her slightly mad, and she kills Alec in her distraction. There is a sense of inevitability about the remaining chapters she has sooner or later to be hunted down by the authorities, and her seeming desire for death aids her capture. Chance is one of the most common plot devices in Tess, and coincidences and chance happenings abound to a frustrating degree, especially when they increase Tess anguish needlessly. However, a novel cannot be expected to adhere to the pattern of real life, howeber Faithfully Presented coincidences are natural to hold the plot together and prompt dramatic events. The tragedy of the sum of unfortunate circumstances which lead to Tess downfall are poignant because of the attachment one forms with Tess, but Tess of the DUrbervilles is a tragic novel, most of its drama relying on the imminence of suffering in her short life.